Successful businesses know that every message matters.
So make each of yours persuasive.
Specialists in message design – for communicating persuasively in business.
What every business professional needs to know about persuasive message design:
Messages are persuasive when optimised across 3 components :
1. Your choice of words - to intrigue and engage
2. Your structure, knowing how the brain processes & remembers data - to get your message to stick
3. Your audience insight - that compels them to pay attention and be driven to act on your message
Optimise all 3 components, and become truly persuasive - each and every time.
We also apply these principles of great messaging to drive inclusive leadership in organisations, working with women and men in, and aspiring to become, leaders of their organisations.
getting to 50/50 GENDER BALANCE
With 'Kipperology'© you can transform the effectiveness of your messages and how you communicate your ideas.
Tried and tested in global organisations, we now want you to benefit from an approach that gives you the ability to create and deliver influential and persuasive messages.
With Executive Coaching, you land your ideas persuasively and win sales bids.
We help you select content, create key messages and use impactful delivery techniques and technology to persuade your potential clients and enable to you to win those key sales.
With 'Getting To 50/50 Gender Balance' you can directly impact your bottom line.
Enable the women and men in your business to understand how to increase their personal influence and be more persuasive, driving significant new value to decisions and outcomes in your organisation.
With experience of delivering communication strategies and people engagement activity over more than 200 business transformation programmes, we know how to help you become more influential and persuasive.
““We ignite your business audience into action for the outcome you want through content, story & creative delivery expertise.””
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3 steps to getting your message across