Ideas inspire. Topics do not.
As a Gen-X'er, I know and love all these gadgets on this chart. Who didn't love the smell of acetate in the morning?
But though the world has moved on, we seem stuck with one communication technology from 1987.
Aged 8, my daughter communicates her homework ideas as business professionals do with 30, 40 and 50 years more experience - with slides.
We must all do better.
Instead of: "We firstly need to say how hard we've been working. So let's call slide 1 'progress to date' and fill in lots of detail. Next, we'll explain our methodology before we mention the slippage. So put 'project plan' on slide 2 with all the streams."
How about this instead? : "Firstly we need to communicate our important idea about the project slippage: 'The project timeline needs to extend by 1 month' - which we will evidence with the most important risk data to support our assertion. Next, our second idea : 'New controls are required at each stage gate to delivery the target outcome' - evidenced again.
This may, or may not, include a visual aid of the project plan or methodology model. "
Which version conveys the important messages and will drive the audience to act accordingly?
Ideas inspire. Topics do not.
Switch to ideas when you communicate.