Influence and Persuade

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Don't forget to remember!

An intriguing idea, courtesy of Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman's research.

How much do you think about the memory you want to create in the mind of another, when you get ready to tell them all about your great new idea?

Consider Daniel's perspective : "Happiness feels good in the moment. But it's in the moment. What you're left with are your memories. So memory has a disproportionate weight because it's with us. It stays with us. It's the only thing we get to keep."

If I want you to buy into my great idea, shall I plan it so I tell you all about the idea itself, how it works, how long it took me to come up with it, how it's going to change the world?


But how much of that will you typically remember?

Alternatively, I could start by thinking about the specific memory that I want to create in your mind about my idea. With that nailed, then I can start thinking about the content I need to create that memory in your mind. Two different approaches, with the first one being much more commonly used in message design.

However, I go with Daniel and use the second approach. I start by thinking about what specific memory I want to create.

After all, even brilliant ideas only work when people remember them.